Hi! I'm Naughty Codes

Frontend web developer based in Taipei.

I am a frontend developer from Cape Town, South Africa with many years of experience at multiple companies.

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About Me

I am an experienced Frontend Developer with over a decade of professional expertise in the field. Throughout my career, I have had the priviledge of collaborating with prestigious organisations, contributing to their success and growth.

  • Languages

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React JS, Next JS

  • Education

    YouTube University

  • Projects

    Built more than 5 projects

Tools I Use

What I offer

My Services

My services include but is not limited to: WordPress setup & design, web design for normal coded sites, mobile app design & coding, UI/UX design for enterprise projects, and graphic design for websites.

Web Design

Web development is the process of building, programming ...

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Mobile Apps

Web development is the process of building, programming ...

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UI/UX Design

Web development is the process of building, programming ...

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Graphics Design

Web development is the process of building, programming ...

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My Portfolio

My Latest Work

Welcome to my web development portfolio! Explore a collection of projects showcasing my expertise in front-end development.

Frontend Project

Web Design

Geo-based App

Mobile App

Photography Site

Web Design

UI/UX Designing

UI/UX Design

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Connect with Me

Get in Touch

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